Making an Insurance Claim

In the event of damage to your home, take care to prevent potential safety risks and/or further damage.

First steps:

  • If the loss is caused by theft, notify the police immediately.
  • Check with your claims representative before discarding any items you plan to claim as damaged.
  • Review your policy for specific coverage information.

Reporting a claim:
You can report a claim online or by phone. Here is the information we will need to know:

  • Location (street, city, state)
  • Date and time of loss
  • Cause of loss (wind, hail, flood, lightening, theft, etc.)
  • Description of damaged property
  • Any injuries

What to do next:

  • Record building and property damage.
  • Obtain repair or replacement price quotes.
  • Retain repair invoices and receipts.

Galloway Chandler McKinney has been a trusted agency and member of their communities for many years. As a Best Practices Agency, they are able to provide competitive products and professional service with local touch.